Saturday, March 31, 2012

Slim Down Saturday - Post Op Week 3

Week 5
 Post op Week 3
 Starting weight: 316.8
Weight last week: 298.0
Current weight: 294.0
Week's loss: FOUR Pounds!!
 Total loss: 22.8 pounds


I can not express how happy I am. I have zipped right past the 20 pounds lost mark and I weigh less now then I did when I met my husband...not much less though.  :-)  The next goal is to be at m high school weight!  It really is hard to take all of this in.  I am still wearing all the same clothes that I have in my closet but I have been able to wear jeans that have been laughing at me since I got pregnant in November of 2009.

I am doing good - learning to chew chew chew and slow down when eating.  I am now on all foods and so I am going to slowly try different foods to see what works for me and what does not.  My head hunger for the past few days has been minimal.  There really is not anything that I am in the mood to eat...just taking it nice and easy and moving on forward.  

Dixie is going to sleep for her nap right now and I have been working on some spring cleaning.  I tried a flour-less oatmeal pancake was not that bad. I will post the recipe and pics shortly on my recipes page that I am going to open up to the public. 

Goals for next week -

Drink more water!!
Take my vitamins nightly.
Get some spring cleaning done.
Start tracking what I eat.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Rumble gurgle plop

So I am laying in bed while my daughter goes to sleep and there is this HUGE noise that startles her and makes her sit up. Is it the dog, a car horn, or even thunder???? Uh No, it's my freaking stomach!!! I am not hungry.. Well I don't feel hungry but that thing is making some crazy weird sounds in there. It sounds like someone is wringing it out... Like a diver jumping into a pool of jello PLOP!

Anyway, I tried drinking something warm this morning and it made me feel much better. I don't drink coffee or hot tea so I got some sugar free hot cocoa for those super tight mornings.

Tomorrow is my weigh in and I am hoping for a loss. As usual, I took a peak at my weight on Wednesday but after two days ( wed and Thurs) Of bad food days there is no telling what that scale will say.

I am feeling much more active and am hoping to get a room spring cleaned this weekend... Unless of course we win the Mega Millions and I can hire a maid :-)


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Thursday, March 29, 2012

human plunge

I want to talk about my new discovery...the importance of One Single Bite.  For the most part, I am doing good with food.  Not sure what my weight loss is this week but I am drinking water and trying to stay healthy.  A new development has appeared however and I do not like it...spitting, sliming, PB'ing...whatever you want to call has now made its home with me. 

I have not had any dramatic episodes and while it does hurt, I can quietly and calmly take care of it within a few hours of eating each time it happens.  At first, I thought it was an issue with the food I was I changed it kept happening.  So what is the deal.

It just dawned on me....its not chewing one stupid little bite enough at some point during the meal.  This is ridiculous.  I feel like crap for hours because I forgot to chew enough on one bite...and it comes back to haunt me.

Of course to get to feel better and get that pesky large item up, I am spitting and sliming the remnants of what I have ate that has me all clogged up.  Its like I have become a human plunge.

I have got to remember to chew chew chew...but in the heat of the moment when I am eating..I don't always remember 100% of the time.  I need to tattoo it on my hand or something so I see it ever time I pick up a dang fork.

Does this happen to anyone else?  Should I be concerned? 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Slim Down Saturday

Week 4
Post op Week 2
Starting weight: 316.8
Weight last week: 298.0
Current weight: 298.0
Week's loss: a big fat ZERO
Total loss: 18.8 pounds

So while I am bummed about the 0 loss, I totally get it.  I am eating now and going from basically nothing after surgery to least I did not gain!!  I also think I am a weird lap band patient.  I have tried a few different foods and I absolutely CANNOT do cooked broccoli (not even trying raw) but I can do a pancake or even a piece of pizza (well a bite).   In fact, I am sure that the few nights of pancake and egg for dinner is why I did not loose anything.

I feel good and I know what I need to do to work on weight loss next week:
  • Exercise
  • Not eating out
  • No syrup!!!!
  • No syrup!!!
  • I also bought smaller sizes of greek parfait.  I am sure I will be full with it and maybe something else for breakfast...not sure what egg maybe...
I am off to try and do some exercise for a few minutes while Dixie is out riding in the jeep with her daddy.  :-)  

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Head hunger and I am old

I am sitting here drinking a low sodium V8 juice and all I can think about is a cheeseburger. I want one soooo bad. I am happy with the top bun gone as well....just let me have the rest. The only non mushy thing I have tried is chicken so it will be a few weeks before I attempt to eat said burger but jeeze this head hunger is killing me.

Does head hunger ever go away? Will eating a burger in a few weeks (even if it's just like a bite) help or make it worse?

Now on to the really sad news, this surgery has turned me into an old woman and I have proof:

All but one is vitamins... And yes one is a flint stone's chewable but still.... A pill organizer. I did not plan to have one of these for like another 40 years.... Guess that's the price I have to pay to get supermodel hot. ;-)

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Monday, March 19, 2012

Just moving right along

I have not been on the scale since Saturday - which is a record for me since I started this process a few weeks ago.  I am trying to go till Saturday so I can be surprised. 

I am trying thicker foods...yogurt - LOVE greek yogurt with fruit and I had mashed potatoes tonight.  I have also incorporated small amounts of real food to see how I can handle it. 

The only thing I am dealing with is the very tight feeling of fullness I get when I eat very little. No matter what it is I eat, I get this feeling of fullness that I have never had before.  I know it is being full because it dissipates and is just my normal full after about 15 minutes. 

Hope everyone is well...watching Smash :-)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Slim Down Saturday

Week 3
Post op Week 1
Starting weight: 316.8
Weight last week: 309.2
Current weight: 298.0
Week's loss: 11.2 pounds!!
Total loss: 18.8 pounds


Wow - 11.2 pounds in one week post op..thats awesome!!  I dont feel hungry and I am not having any problems or complications aside from some port tugging which I read is to be expected for a few weeks.  I have not really worked out..been busy dealing with a sick baby and a midterm statistics test.  I went to the doc and he is very impressed with my current progress.  He wants to see me in a month after I am on solid food to see how I am doing.  I am guessing then he will let me come back when I stop loosing weight regularly for a fill.  I have 9 more visit before I have to start paying for visits so I hope I keep staying full pretty easy.

After talking to him, I have moved on to full liquids and ate some yogurt.  Greek yogurt is awesome and lots of protein.  I am trying different brands to find the kind I like the most.  I also just made my first smoothie.   :-)

Well Dixie is being CRAZY so thats all for now.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Working out the Soreness!

So I am trying really hard to work out the soreness from the surgery.  I am feeling much better today then I was yesterday!  I am not taking pain meds like I did yesterday and I got a good amount of stuff done. 

To try to remedy this soreness I got on my elliptical and did 100 very very slow strides.  The point was in no way to take off calories...since I am really not eating anything at all...but more to get this soreness gone a little better then walking will do.

I am also a little concerned about what I am eating....which is pretty much nothing.  The protein shake is a little thick for me right now.  I am pretty much drinking water and trying to get down 2 protein shakes...but so far am not that successful. 

I made some brussel sprouts for my husband and I sucked the juice out of two of those with no problem but I am really concerned about my nutrition.  Tomorrow I am going to go to the store and get some protein powder, and some vitamins.  I want to make sure I do not bottom out. 

I am not hungry at all but I need to make sure I get nutrition to stay healthy. - especially since I have a midterm this Thursday!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

I'm Banded and Slim Down Saturday

Well its official I AM BANDED!!!  The surgery took about 1.5 hours.  We got to the hospital at around 7:45 and I got home around 1 that afternoon. 

I am doing much better today as far as staying awake but I am sticking to that 4 hour window for my pain meds.  I am really sore but trying to get up and move around about every 30 minutes.  The worst was waking up this morning after not having meds for 12 hours or so. 

My mother in law has wonderfully taken Dixie for the weekend and that has helped me to be able to recoop on my time.  Being able to sleep without a waking baby in the middle of the night was rough getting in and out of bed...the port entrance stretches a bit and it is pretty sore.

On another note lets talk weight -

So thanks to Aunt Flo's visit...who decided to come the day before surgery (and has not been around in months) I gained 4 pounds of the 10 I lost.  The day of Surgery I weighed 310.0.

This morning for my slim down Saturday - even thought I was just out of surgery, I went ahead and weighed and I am down to 309.2.

I am now one day post op and dealing with the protein shake diet.  I have a doctors appointment next Thursday (might change to Friday since I have a test that day) and we will see how things progress.

Can I say that I am tired of Vanilla and Chocolate shakes...going to get some unflavored protein powder and come up with some other shake options.  Never thought I would be sick of Chocolate.  :-)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

It's almost here and the devil scale

So at midnight tomorrow I go NPO for my surgery. I have been so nervous about it I kinda went Mia on social media for a few days. I am really concerned that I am going to wake up and Dr. S is going to say "sorry your liver was too fatty and we could not put it in"!

I got so worried in fact that I called the doc to talk to them about it. They assured me that if I have lost that much weight 6-10 lbs and eating healthy then the liver is shrinking.

So I'm fine until I get on that damn scale again. No matter what I eat or really what I do not eat, I am slowly gaining back those damn 10 lbs!!

What the hell. I have gained 4 of the 10 back since Sat night. All I am eating is grilled chicken and freaking lettuce. What's the damn deal?

So now I am all freaked out all over again. I swear if my scale did not have a memory of my past weigh ins, I would think I dreamed all last weeks weight loss!!

Aunt flo is all jacked up with me and I thought maybe it was preparing for a camp out at my house but no such tent has been put up yet. Maybe it's the fact that Dixie has been having constant nightmares for the past two nights and to keep her from getting attached to our bed I have slept half of the past two nights in the floor...and I am stressed!!!

I am on (what all the women in my family refer them as) anti- bitch pills which puts me at a calm collected state and the fact that I have a midterm coming up and this surgery shows I have stress even 50mg of Prestiq can't even mellow out.

I have never done anything like this before. Its a whole new life. I will never be this large again! I will see an image of myself in the mirror that I have NEVER met. It's's insane and it's amazing all at the same time.

Jeez he better not tell me my liver is to fatty!!!

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bleh Sunday

Lets just say today was not a good food day for me today!  I wanted to eat everything I saw.  I ate a piece of Dixie's pancake I made her, tried a tater tot and honestly could have ate an entire cheese burger if my husband would have bought the one I wanted for me. 

I am ready for when I have the band and can eat real least then if I want to splurge and eat to get the taste of a nice juicy burger I can...even if it is only part of that burger.  The thought of doing something that makes me not get this surgery really freaks me out. 

I am also thinking about making a google site with recipes that I create during each stage of the lapband experience...liquids, mushys, ext.  Thought that might help people. 

What do yall think??  Is there one already out there?

I need to keep this up and remember these three statements.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Slim Down Saturday and New Blog Name

So its SLIM DOWN Saturday for this future bandster!  Today is officially my 8th day on the pre-op diet and the totals are in...I lost TEN pounds. Yep you heard right...ten pounds in one week without the band!

I am so excited.  Today was a whole lot easier then last Saturday - my first day in when I thought I could fry up and eat my own leg if I could be brave enough to cut it off.  I am still having troubles drinking those stupid protein shakes but I bought TONS so I will be suffering through them for a while. 

To commemorate this occasion, I have changed my blog name to the Incredible Shrinking Woman!  Yep - thats me.  :-)  I am living on around 400 calories (today much less) a day and that attributes to the weight loss but its great prep work to what I have ahead for me.

My Mood today - great!!
This time next week - I will be 1 day post op with the band!  Its already paid for..and now I am just waiting for the day to show up!!

Night everyone...I have a big day ahead tomorrow of cleaning, clothes washing, and paper grading.  -- Also hoping to check out my new followers and follow their blogs and do some commenting.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Thanks to Drazil its BYOC time!

1. Since I talked about psychics this week - I'm curious....if you could see one for free and you could only ask one question - what would it be?

What will I be doing as a career in 15 years?

2. What's your favorite ice cream flavor and topping?

Rocky road for sure!!

3. What's your preferred method of working out? DVDs, an external gym, gym inside your home, classes?

Elliptical at home

4. If you work outside the home or if you ever did or will in the future - do you think it's better/easier to work with men or woman? Who do you work mostly with now?

Men! I am friends with women but men are much easier to deal with. IT is a men's world. I don't mind it but there is the occasional BMS - Bitchy Male Syndrome.

5. Repeat question. Summarize your week in real life and in blog land.

It's been trying but good all around. I have gotten a lot of support from everyone on the blogs on doing my pre-op and that's great!!

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Carb counting queen

I am 5 days into my 14 day pre-op diet journey.  I have lost some weight but waiting to post until Saturday to get a week total.  I feel pretty good and I am watching my food and fluid intake like I have never done before.  I am still food journaling on my Food Journal page.

It really is amazing to me how you can feel full off of such little food - but it does go away quickly with no band.... 

I am going to add it as a NSV but yesterday I picked some popcorn chicken up for my husband (my absolute FAVORITE thing from Sonic) and I did not even take 1 bite.

On the down side, I did take a drink of a sprite today but just one drink and then I dumped the rest out.

Anyway...I have my stats class tonight and today was Dixie's first day at her new pre-school so got to get back to the grind. 

Have a great afternooon Band Land!!
